Happily Ever Matched

Do you come home from a night out wondering if you are ever going to meet that someone special?

Find the One!
Looking for singles 30 and older that have made finding a meaningful relationship a priority in their lives.
If you are ready for a change, Happily Ever Matched has a unique combination of social events and individual matches to help you on your journey to finding the one!
Contact Kim and get started right away.
Fill out this quick, free Interest Form:

About Happily Ever Matched
Launching in Central New Jersey with plans to expand.
We are not like dating apps. You will not be swiping through photos. Instead, Kim will hand select matches for you from our secure private database and from in-person events.
Helping singles find genuine connections.
You’ll meet people outside of your normal social circle.
We will have in-person events.
You don’t have to go through dating alone. Happily Ever Matched will be there during your dating process. We will always discuss how the date went and talk about next steps.
Some of the additional services we offer are helping to pick out clothing before dates, pre-date discussions and help with planning and setting up the date.
Together we can find exactly what you are looking for and not looking for in a partner with the personal attention that you won't find on online sites.

Let's get started right away!
Contact Kim with any questions
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